Since I heard and read about Pastor Paul Yongi Cho's church and his ministry, I had a great
desire to visit the great church and to understand the secret of the success. Due to the
financial and other difficulties I could not attain my dream for a long period.
                    The God who fulfills the desire of his children provided me an opportunity
to participate in the 18th Pentecostal World Conference held in Pastor Yongi Cho's church
Seoul Korea from 1998september 22 to 25. I didn't think much about the expenses to be
incurred or the school days, which will be lost for my children in September or the problems,
which have been existing in my job. I decided to go Korea at any cost.
                        We boarded the flight in the early morning of Sunday, 20th September 1998.
From Bombay to Hong Kong via Bangkok. We arrived at Hong Kong around 4 pm. The next
flight was to Seoul at 5 pm. Around 8 pm, we reached at "Kimpo" Airport of Seoul Korea.
We saw the counter and welcome banner in the airport launch, to welcome the delegates of 18th Pentecostal World Conference. It was a Wonderful Scene. The volunteers who wear Uniforms
and receive the delegates by wishing 'Halleluya' and arranged vehicles to send to the hotels.
But they were not aware of the hotels for us (Indians). The Airport Closes at 11 pm and
opening at 6am. I never heard about an Airport, which closes at night. But the Kimpo Airport,
where many International flights operate, closes at night.  At last the volunteers arranged an accommodation for us in the education building, attached to Yoido full gospel church.
We praise the Lord.

                                 MID NIGHT PRAYER
 After bathing, my wife and I followed those who go to the church for prayer. It was  the
midnight prayer conducted in the underground of Yoedo Full Gospel Church. Everyday
10 pm to 2 am midnight prayer and 5 am to 7 am early morning prayer were conducted in
Yoedo Full Gospel Church. I never heard about such meetings any other churches in this world.
Here, the people find time for praise and worship to the God. God gave us the opportunity
to attend the midnight prayer conducted in the Korean language on the same day we reached
there. I was very much impressed by the prayer and worship of Korea believers. Hundreds
of believers participate in the midnight prayer. They all praise God in loud voice.
Spiritual atmospheres as prevailing every where, Twinkling sound of helleluya and people
praise God in other tongue. we realised why Korean church attained spiritual blessing. They
praise god from their inner heart. They worship god even at midnight. They never get tired.
It was memorable happy moments, Like God's shekhena comes down to earth.
we gained much by coming to Korea. . My heart and eyes overflow with joy because God
gave an opportunity to worship with the people who worship God in sprit and truth.

                                       CHEO… CHEO…Prayer.
By shouting the words CHEO…CHEO… CHEO…  They could pray to God continuously for hours.They pray sincerely and with whole heartely. (CHEO means LORD.) PASTOR PAUL YONGI CHO is a famous prayer warrior. He used to pray up to 6 hours in his early ministry now also he spending hours in prayer. It is God's grace that they could pray to God continuously many hours.  He acquired everything through prayer. He taught the believer the benefits and gains of prayer. They raise their hands to heaven and praying by saying CHEO… CHEO… CHEO. Most time they are praying in other tongues. I was wondered  to see that the security guards in uniforms conduct prayer by holding their hands one another in the roads and the church compound.It was a common scene that the volunteers, security guards and beliverse praying in small small groups by holding their hands one another. In my country when a person become a volunteer, he begin, and acts as a un godly man. Another notable thing that Korean believes bows to others and great them by  'HALLELUYA' Spiritual atmosphere prevail every where.

 From the Yoido Full Gospel Church bus service is available to prayer mountain in every hour.
It is provided free to reach there around one hour is required to reach there. The Koreans who
enter the bus will either read the bible or engage in prayer. In the church also we cannot see
anybody talking, or careless but only praying or reading the Bible. They know very well that
they sit in the presence of GOD. At the time of starting bus, the driver puts a prayer cassette.
The driver and the passengers start praying. The bus starts only after the prayer. Along the
way also, we can hear good message through the cassette.
            In the Prayer Mountain, prayer cells that can seat one person are available in large
numbers. People are praying in their cells all times. When we go along the prayer cells we
could hear people mourn and weep in their cell. We also had the opportunity to sit and pray
to god in the prayer cells.
                              The solitary ideal place is the best one to sit and pray to GOD; there are
no disturbances at all. Moreover in the Prayer Mountain, Halleluya Chapel, Getsamana Chapel, Deliverance Chapel etc. that can accommodate 1000 to 2000 people. And furnished gust
houses to accommodate for the visitors are also existing.  The most wonderful thing which
we wereimpress in the Prayer Mountain was the loud voice of a person from a prayer cell
which we heard at the time of our arrival till departure.


                  The Koreans rank first in the matter of cleanness. We found their railway station,
bus station and roads in a clean and neat condition. In the city we saw many churches. Korea is
a country, which is spiritually and materially blessed. We had this great privilege to be in Kore
and the days we spent there were a great blessing to us.
                                       I am sincerely recommend believers all over the world to visit Pastor
Yongi Cho's church and experience the love of; God's children in South Korea. Really it will be
a blessing for our spiritual life. A new interest cripped in our mind that we have to find time to
be with the children of GOD elsewhere. We found many people from Kerala among they were
Pastor M.A. Varghese and family, wife of Pastor P.D. Johnson, Pastor. R.Abraham from New Delhi, Brother Wilson Joseph, Brother Thomas Mathew from Dubai, Brother George kutty from Abudhabi, Brother. A.C Jose (Nilamrbour), Brother George Pallil (U.S.A.) and many other malayale brotherse.


 The most difficult thing we experience in Korea is to meet Pastor Paul Yongi Cho.
He was very busy all the time. I had a desire to be with him and take a photograph
with my family. We prayed to GOD and GOD gave us an opportunity. His Secretary
Jaesen arranged the meeting; Pastor Cho pray for me and my family.
We spent 7 days in Korea and left on 28th September and reached in Dubai with many
memories and lastinghappiness.

   Bro.James&Family with Pastor David Yongi Cho

                             Some of my friends ask me why you spend lot of money by visiting Korea
with family if you could visit alone you can save lot of money?
My desire is my wife and children also to enjoy in the presence of God like me because
"As for me and my family, we will serve the lord". Many Pastors not were considering
the spiritual growth of their children and wife. If they want to grow in spiritually, we must
accompany our family to spiritual gatherings. So I used to go to the spiritual gatherings with
my wife and children I am not considering the expense or other difficulties. I want to enjoy
in the presence of God with my family.

                       Bro. James & Family in Seoul Korea

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